AUS Architecture & Consultancy – About Us

‘A.U.S – Austerlitz Architecture’ practices Ecological architecture & Sustainable design/development since 1999. During its years of existence, the firm is constantly involved in projects of various scales, always implementing Innovative strategies, Research, Experimental work and a focus on sustainability.

The firm specializes in Bio-climatic design and consultancy and implementations of sustainable technologies in five major areas:

  • Architectural design and retrofit of environmentally-adapt structures
  • Design of 'Healthy spaces', integrating local ecology and sustainable/green building materials
  • Consultancy for intelligent environmental resources use, reducing energy, water & matter
  • Consultancy for ‘sustainable neighborhoods’ and ecologic landscape development
  • Strategic consultancy for local governments, public and private companies in the above fields
  • Training and teaching for professionals in non-academic programs

The firm if working with many municipalities, local governments and national ministries and is a provider to the Ministry of Defense in green-building consultancy.


PhD Architect Noam Austerlitz

PhD Architect Noam Austerlitz – CEO and green building specialist – focuses on advancing innovation in sustainability and productivity in architecture, design and construction.

Founded and manages 'Austerlitz Architecture' as an independent firm since 1999 (specializes in sustainable design, ecological architecture and urban/landscape desing in a holistic sustainable approach), practicing and consulting since. In recent years focuses on implementing innovation in construction details and methods, resource saving systems, BMS and incorporating ecological landscaping in urban settings.

In addition to the architecture firm, Noam is the owner of a SID – a knowledge center for innovation in construction and design – For SID website see here.  Austerlitz is teaching Architecture since 2000, and researching Architectural Education through his PHD (Technion, Israel) and Post-PhD (University of the Arts, London).Staff member in Tel-Aviv University, researcher and lecturer in the ‘Azrieli’ Faculty of Architecture and ‘Porter’ Faculty of Environmental Studies. In this capacity heads a variety of courses, seminars and master classes, dealing with various aspects of sustainable design, ecological architecture and ecological approaches in city & landscape design.

Following this research, Noam is constantly developing tools for improving education of practicing professions. In recent years have led research and strategic process into promoting sustainable development in academia by Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection.

MArch Architect Ayelet Lanel

CEO & Head of Architecture

Graduate of the Architecture Association school of Architecture (London, UK) Sustainable Environmental Design Master program (MArch), and graduated Cum Laude form the Technion (Haifa, Israel) Architecture and Town planning BArch program.

Specializes in sustainable design and development using digital tools and advance simulations. Her masters researched focused on integrating Ecology and Architecture in children's Educational buildings in Israel. In this research experimental educational ecological-architectural elements were developed, integrating Algae into school facade design.

Ayelet is the head architect in 'Austerlitz Architecture' and leads projects in design, supervision and consultancy, both in private and public construction fields.

Hagit Yakir-Tamari

Manager of Energy, Standards and Regulations in 'Austerlitz Architecture'. Green building consultant, certified LEED and Israel Green Building Standard consultant since 2010. One of Israel's leading experts in advance energy modeling and simulations.

Accompanied many projects in public development, education and urban planning to Green Standard certification.

Hagit is a master graduate and currently writing her PhD thesis in the field of energy evaluation and preformance of building facades in Porter school of Environmental studies (Tel Aviv University, Israel).

Yarden Hasson-Ankri

Architecture and interior design engineer, green construction consultant and experienced follower of standard 5281.

She completed her architectural engineering studies with honors at "Tel Hai" college, within which she developed an urban winery and wine bar using advanced construction technologies and complying with green construction standards. Graduated from the Green Building Consultants course on behalf of the Standards Institute and the Advanced and Green Building course at the SID Center.

Yoav Eshed

Project manager in the field of standardization and energy and coordinator of green building kits for companies and the SID project

Awarded a Bachelor's degree in Civil engineering at the Technion and a Master's degree in Urban planning at the Hebrew University

Engaged in project management that includes planning (EIA, work plans) and execution of residential construction and preservation of buildings on behalf of an entrepreneurial company in Haifa and Jerusalem. He also gained experience in supervising projects in the private market

Worked as a planner in the field of transportation, with an emphasis on transportation solutions of an environmental nature such as public transportation, light rail and bicycle paths in Gush Dan

Hilla Gordon


inbal yodfat neeman

Inbal Yodfat-Neeman

Liza Naumenko


.Austerlitz Architects Inc



Sunday – Thursday: 9:00-17:00
Friday & Saturday: Closed

Kakal St 71, Kiryat Tiv'on, Israel